形容精灵甜美的句子英语 形容精灵的短句

【涨知识】发布于04-10 阅0

上次在知道看到一个形容女孩聪明伶俐的句子好像是you are little **** ,my lonely little *****

是pixie [ ՝piksi ],小精灵,小仙子


genius 是天才的意思啦,和仙子有一点偏了。

其实原句是这个:You are an elf, my lovely little elf


1. 赞美女孩的英语句子

基本款:You are beautiful!zhidaoYou are pretty!You are gorgeous!你好美哦!进阶版:I think she is a hottie.她是个辣妹。

Do you know Phyllis? She is such a cutie!你认识Phyllis 吗?她怎么那么可爱啊!She is a babe!她是个大美女!友情提醒:babe≠ baby,失版之毫厘差之千里,尤其当你夸的是听得懂人权话的大美女而不是听不懂人话的小baby。高阶版:She turns me on.她让我的眼睛为之一亮。

She is such a turn-on!她给我的感觉还蛮不错的。She is well-developed.She is well-endowed.她的身材超有料。

2. 赞美女孩的英语句子有哪些

You are a pretty girl!你很美

How pretty you are!你太漂亮了

Your beauty is beyond description!你美的难以形容!

What a lovely girl! How beautiful the girl is! What a charming little girl! What a charming little girl!

She' gorgeous!这个用来形容女孩漂亮华美不俗

She's adorable!这个形容可人的,甜美的


You make me hot!

You look so beautiful today!

Can you stop my shaking heart,you know you make me crazy!

Oh!I fall in love in the first sight of you!


3. 急求一些关于描述或形容女孩的英文短句

She is gorgeous!她真是漂亮!

She is a babe!她是个美女!

She turns me on!她让我眼睛一亮!

She is a hottie!她真是个辣妹!

She is a cutie!她好可爱哟!

She is well-developed!她好丰满!

She is lovely!她很可爱!

She is charming!她魅力十足!

4. 用英文形容女子美丽的语句




下面这些表达都是形容女人漂亮,曲线玲珑,身材曼妙,野性性感的。 1. to be a beauty queen; 在人们的观念中,皇后/女王应该是女人中最高级别的,不管是在权力层面还是在美貌层面,于是有了这个 beauty queen: She is a beauty queen.(= very beautiful) 2. to be a dream boat Dream 是“理想的”这没假,但 dream boat 为何会成为“理想的女人”就不得而知了。

有一种说法是,理想的伴侣会带你渡过人生的美好时光,就像一艘小舟带你去美好的地方旅行一样,很浪漫有情调的说法哦!当然,dream boat 也可以指“理想的男人”。我们来看个例子: She is a dream boat.(= ideal type of woman) 3. to be a cutie; to be a babe Cutie 和 babe 都是指“漂亮迷人”的女人,具体怎么个漂亮迷人法,我想不同的人会有不同的见解吧: She is a cutie.(= pretty and attractive) She is a babe.(= very beautiful and attractive) 4. to be a fox. 我们汉语里常把美丽而有魅惑力的女子为“狐狸精”,因为人们认为她们是狐狸精变成的。

英语中也用 fox 来比喻那些“美丽性感”的女人,可见,世界上的语言还是多有相通之处的: She is a fox.(= She is a foxy lady = She is sexy.) 注意,如果说:She is as sneaky(或 cunning)as a fox. 则是指“她像狐狸一样的狡猾”。 假如女人能使男人拜倒她的石榴裙下或神魂颠倒那么就可以说: Her beauty (attraction) has caused his knees to shake / to quiver.(她的漂亮迷人使他膝部发抖)。

或 She made him feel up there in the clouds. (= on clouds nine = on the top of the world)(她使他神魂颠倒,飘飘如仙。) 其实,所谓“情人眼里出西施(Beauty is in the eyes of beholder)”,世上的美或丑,只是主观的看法而已。

5. 求救



Adorable is your face;

Fragrant is your breath.

Crystal, my fair lady,

Fairy tales are no fancier, I'd say.

Picking you out of a million,

Falling for you, the wisest thing I've ever done!

【后记】Welcome to my “知道” with further questions or suggestions.

6. 形容女子漂亮的英文词组都有哪些

beautiful handsome lovely pretty good-looking


beautiful 是最普通用词, 可用于人、物、景铯等, 指“形式或颜铯的美”, 或“给人以愉快或美感事物”, 侧重 “阴柔的优美”, 一般用于形容女人和儿童, 如:

The west lake is famous for its beautiful scenery.


handsome 一般指男人, 指“相貌英俊、温文尔雅”; 用于女性时, 指“身材匀称, 仪表端正”; 用于儿童时, 指“外貌俊秀”; 用于其他事物时, 指“悦目或大方”, 如:

He is a handsome lad.


lovely 往往用于女性、儿童、景铯、物品等, 指“在外貌上能使人感到美好动人、漂亮可爱”, 带有“亲切”之意, 如:

What a lovely smile she has!


pretty 语气较beautifal 弱, 侧重“娇小的”, 一般用于小孩或青年女子, 指女性“适度的美”, 含有“温柔、纤巧, 从而使人产生美感”之意; 用于小孩时, 指“漂亮可爱的”; 用于事物时, 指“精致美好的”, 如:

She looks very pretty in that new skirt.



1、Her hair was so much that it covered her shoulders, her chest, her knees, and it hung down to the ground, black and blue.

2、My sister has an onion head, a mouth full of meat and two big eyes, which are very cute、Although my sister looks cute and beautiful, she is actually a naughty ghost.

3、She had black hair and long braids like willow in February; she had big, clever eyes that blinked as if she could speak; and a cherry mouth that was eloquent.

4、Curved eyebrows, in a pair of Phoenix eyes have a pair of double eyelids; a pair of small ears close to the back of the brain, high nose, small cherry mouth, two rows of neat, white teeth、Not only that, but also her long black hair and slim figure.

5、He is tall and careless, with a silly smile on his face, big eyes like black grapes, and a pair of glasses on his nose.






